How to Catch Cheating Spouse on an iPhone

How to Catch Cheating Spouse on an iPhone: The Ultimate Spy Guide

You feel distraught when you suspect your partner is cheating. Although you may do all you can to convince yourself that you’re wrong, you can’t shake off that gut feeling. 

Technology has made infidelity easier. Your BF or husband can cheat without hassles with cell phones like the iPhone integrating top-notch features. With a report stating that 70% of married Americans had cheated at least once, you’re not wrong for wanting to know if your partner is cheating, especially if the signs are there.

If you’d like to learn how to catch spouses cheating with their iPhones, there’s good news.

This activity isn’t impossible. The medium that gets the job done? Spy applications.

This article will feature the tell-tale signs of a cheater, the top spy applications to monitor iPhones, and other iPhone tricks and hacks to catch a cheater. 

Ready to know more? Your journey starts here!

Cheating on iPhone: Tell-Tale Signs to Note

Cheating goes beyond the physical. This activity is also psychological, and once your partner starts cheating, you’ll notice it in their behavior if you’re observant.

However, you must be cautious as cheaters behave differently. Some partners will choose to be secretive and start to hide things from you. Others will become more open and share more with you. 

So, it’s up to you to know your partner well and know when there’s a behavior change. But even with these differences, there are common behavioral traits among partners who cheat on their iPhones.

Notable mentions include: 

The Lock or Hide Their Phones More Often

If you notice your partner has become more secretive with their iPhone, they’re hiding something. 

Although you don’t expect them to keep their iPhone unlocked all the time, there’s a stage where it becomes excessive. 

For example, if they can’t drop their phone on the table without locking it or always carry their phone wherever they go within the home, something is up. 

They often do this to avoid you snooping around their iPhones and gaining access to the intricate bits of their affairs. 

They Delete Their Call Logs and Text Messages

If you notice your spouse’s call logs or message box is empty, even after receiving a call or text, there’s a high chance that they’re covering their sinister acts. 

Why? Because there’s no solid reason for someone to constantly delete their logs or messages unless there’s something they’re hiding. 

They Receive Calls From Strange Numbers

Has your partner been receiving calls from unknown numbers? Have they been coming at odd hours? Like late in the night or at a particular time daily? If the answers to these questions are “YES,” your partner is having an affair.

One of the many ways to catch a cheater on an iPhone is through calls. If your partner always leaves the room to answer a call or deliberately ignores some calls in your presence, there’s someone they don’t want you to know about.

They Tend to Lie Often

Once your spouse starts to cheat, they use lies to cover their tracks. At this point, they may even have preset stories arranged to suit your questions. If you’re observant, you’ll notice the irregularities in their tales.

While some cheaters are good at creating fake stories, there are times when they slip up; and being observant will help you detect the cracks. 

They Rarely Communicate With You on the Phone

No one expects their partner to text them every minute of the day. Nonetheless, one or two texts or calls daily wouldn’t hurt. 

If you know your significant other has their phone at arm’s length 24/7 but still complains they’re too busy to text you, that’s a clear sign they’re giving their attention to someone else.

Do they get riled up when you talk to them about their recent actions? If yes, there’s a secret lover behind the scenes. 

Where to Look on an iPhone for Cheating?

A recent survey on cheating partners showed that over 56% of them used their phones as their main source of contact. Thus, if your partner is cheating, they are most likely doing it on their iPhone.

However, when you unlock your partner’s smartphone, evidence won’t just pop up for your viewing. You must find them at the hidden spots where they’re embedded.  

Here are some places to search if you think your hubby or girlfriend is cheating on an iPhone.

They include:

Dating Apps

Thanks to the dozens of dating apps on the App Store. Dating applications are the fastest and easiest ways to connect with new people interested in romantic affairs. These apps have skyrocketed the popularity of iPhone cheating. 

If you see dating apps installed on your partner’s cell phone, they’re most likely looking for a way to cheat on you (if they’ve not started already).

Social Media and Messenger Apps

It’s easier to cheat with texts than calls. The process is more discreet, and your partner can be conversing with the other person while they’re talking to you. So if you want to confirm your partner’s infidelity, check their social media profiles.

Gallery Apps

Most people take photos of things that they treasure. If your partner is seeing someone, there’s a possibility that they might have taken an image or video with these individuals.

To find these media files, head to their gallery to see if your spouse has a photo or video that shows them and another person in a compromising position.

NOTE: You might find it difficult to access the above apps if your spouse’s iPhone is passworded. However, alternatives are available to bypass these restrictions and see those messages and media your partner is trying to hide.

5 Best Spy Apps to Find Out if Your Spouse Is Cheating

Nobody wants a partner that cheats, but life is cruel, and sometimes, the individual you love dearly might be having an affair with another person. 

To gather solid evidence to confront them, you can put your hope in spy applications. Using spyware, you can seamlessly trawl data from the target’s iPhone.

Here are alternatives I recommend: 


iPhone Monitoring

Upon installation on your partner’s iPhone, mSpy will give you access to all their messages, calls, and media files. You can even see their GPS location in real-time.


Monitoring App for iPhone

Eyezy is perfect for monitoring your partner’s iPhone stealthily and remotely. This spy application allows you to keep track of their web/social media activities, calls, and location via its “Magic Alerts” add-on.



Using uMobix, you can track your partner’s iPhone and all activities executed on it. This revolutionary spy app also screenshots of the target iPhone and stores them for your viewing. 



Hoverwatch is another great spy you can use to catch your boyfriend cheating on his iPhone. The application is invisible to the iPhone user and lets you monitor their calls, GPS location, and texts



If you’d like to catch your wife cheating on her iPhone, SpyBubble is what you need. You will be able to monitor everything she does on her iPhone, but you can also take screenshots any second you please. 

NOTE: You can use the aforementioned apps on any iPhone without jailbreaking it. To get started, subscribe to a service and input the target iPhone’s iCloud logins. And VIOLA! You’re done.

How to Catch a Cheating Spouse on an iPhone?

One of the most effective ways to know if your partner is cheating on you is through spy applications. These apps are vital when trying to catch your cheating spouse’s iPhone and can’t get the proof you want because of a locked phone. 

However, with a spy application installed on the phone, you can remotely see your cheating spouse’s activities. Although there are tons of iPhone spy applications, I’ll recommend mSpy due to its comprehensiveness. 

Spy App for iPhone: The Best Way to Catch a Cheater

mSpy has been in the phone spying market for over a decade and has many advanced features that let you track your partner’s every move. 

Here are some of mSpy’s best features. 

  • 🕵🏼 Media Updates

With the mSpy app, you’ll automatically have access to any picture, video, sticker, or GIF your partner stores on their iPhone.

This functionality is perfect for knowing if your cheating partner keeps pictures or videos of the other person on their iPhone. Even if they delete the file, you’ll access it via your mSpy dashboard. 

  • 🕵🏼 GPS Tracking

Has your partner been going out without telling you where they’re going? Do they get defensive when you ask them about it? If yes, then the mSpy app can help you track their real-time GPS location and gain insight into their recent locations. 

  • 🕵🏼 Keylogger

Keylogging is one of the iPhone hacks you can use to catch a cheater. 

This mSpy add-on records and updates you on every keystroke made on your partner’s iPhone. So, if you’d like to see their smartphone or application passcodes, mSpy’s keylogger makes that endeavor possible.

  • 🕵🏼 Call Logs

If your partner speaks in low tones when they receive a specific call, there’s a chance they’re hiding something. However, with mSpy’s call log feature, you can monitor their calls (sent and received).

You’ll also get detailed information about the call, like the duration, timestamp, and personal information. 

  • 🕵🏼 Social Media

If you want to know how to catch a cheating husband with an iPhone, look at his social media accounts. Social media is one of the fastest ways to connect with new people. 

With mSpy, you’ll see everything your cheating partner does on social media. Interestingly, mSpy collects data from top-notch channels like Facebook, Snapchat, Kik, Twitter, and Instagram.

Talk about an app that’s as comprehensive as it gets! 

  • 🕵🏼 Text Messages

With mSpy installed on your partner’s phone, you’ll be able to read every message they exchange. Once they receive an MMS or iMessage, it will immediately reflect on your mSpy Control Panel.

So, even if they eventually delete the incriminating text, you’ll still have them as proof.

How to Install the mSpy App on iPhone?

The mSpy app is versatile and can work on Jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones. These formats both have different installation procedures.

Here’s some context:

Installing mSpy on a Jailbroken iPhone

  1. Jailbreak the iPhone.
  2. Go to the mSpy official website and create an account using a verified email.
  3. Choose a package that suits your budget and proceed to pay.
  4. After a successful payment, you’ll receive a “confirmation email” containing your order info, mSpy download URL, and Control Panel logins.
  5. Go to Cydia on the jailbroken iPhone and insert the download URL in the “Add Source” section. This action will start the mSpy installation process.
  6. Go back to Cydia and search for a new source titled “Mtechnology LTD repository.”
  7. Click on the “All package” option and tap on iPhoneInternalService. Now, click on Install and Confirm, respectively.
  8. After the automatic download and installation process, click on Restart SpringBoard. This action will restart the iPhone.
  9. After the iPhone restarts, you’ll find the mSpy application installed.
  10. Click on the application and accept all relevant prompts. 
  11. An Amenability prompt should appear. Click on “Icon is useless; I don’t need it.” This action will hide the mSpy application on the iPhone.
  12. Input your unique mSpy registration code and hit “Complete Registration.”
  13. Go to your mSpy account and start monitoring!

Using mSpy on a non-Jailbroken iPhone

You can use mSpy without jailbreaking a target iPhone. This method works without installing any application on the target’s iPhone.

To use mSpy on a non-Jailbroken iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the target iPhone has backup enabled.
  2. Go to the mSpy site and select an iOS plan you like.
  3. After successful payment, mSpy will send your login details to you. 
  4. Log on to your account and enter your unique Control Panel. 
  5. Input the target iPhone’s iCloud credentials.
  6. Start spying!

NOTE: For the non-jailbreak method to work, disable 2-factor authentication on the target iPhone. If this is active, monitoring-related acts via mSpy are impossible.

Can You Install a Spy App Remotely?

Unlike Android devices, you can seamlessly spy on an iPhone device remotely. All you need to achieve this is the target device’s iCloud login. Upon subscription to a select spying service, enter your dedicated dashboard and insert the target’s iCloud credentials.

Afterward, you’ll have access to the target’s iPhone’s GPS location, messages, calls, and multimedia files.

What’s better?

The target will never know that you’re spying on their activities as spy applications rarely leave trails. 

Free iPhone Tricks & Hacks to Catch a Cheater

There are numerous ways to find out if your spouse is cheating for free on an iPhone. 

Here’s an overview of alternatives that’ll help you catch a cheating spouse on their iPhone:

  • Apple’s Built-In Method

This method is one of the most popular iPhone tricks to catch a cheater. However, note that you must access the target iPhone physically to achieve your goal.

To get started, head to Settings and tap on Messages. After clicking on Messages, you’ll see the “Send & Receive” submenu. Here, click on “Add an Email.”

Once you input your email address, Apple will forward all iMessages on the target iPhone to you. 

I don’t recommend this alternative because your email is visible, and your partner can quickly notice it.

  • Check Their Gallery

You can check your spouse’s gallery app for images or videos that denote infidelity. If their gallery app doesn’t hold photos or videos, they’re likely deleting all entries that confirm your suspicions. 

  • Check the Notes App

If you’re seeking insight into where to look on an iPhone for cheating, consider checking your partner’s notes app. 

Many people use the notes application as their mini diary, and you may be lucky to find something there.

  • Go Through Frequently Used Apps

If you notice that your partner is always on a particular app, go through that app when they aren’t looking to see if they’re up to anything sinister. 

If you find the app empty upon launch, there’s a great chance they’re clearing the application’s data to hide something.


Now that you’ve seen the different ways you can catch a cheating partner on an iPhone, you can use it to clear your doubts and know where you stand. 

Although I’ve listed multiple options to catch a spouse red-handed, you’ll only get 100% accuracy through spy applications like mSpy. Working in Stealth Mode, these apps allow you to monitor an iPhone without the user ever knowing. 

If you discover that your partner is cheating, confront them and talk things out or end the relationship. The choice is yours.


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