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If you’re a musician you will be well aware that not everyone likes it when you practice. Here we share a range of tips for music soundproofing including things like how to practice violin quietlyhow to make your acoustic guitar quietersoundproofing a room for drums, choosing a quiet drum set and more.

How To Make An Acoustic Guitar Quieter

To become a competent guitar player you need to practice lots. If you’re the parent of small children or you live in a small apartment then noisy, energetic practice sessions aren’t really…

How To Block Bass Noise: 10 Methods

If your neighbours are constantly playing loud music you are probably getting very tired of the low-frequency bass noise that is travelling through the walls to your house. Bass is a particular…

How Late Can You Play Loud Music?

In the U.S & U.K night hours are specified as being between 11 pm and 7 am. Between these hours there are set noise levels which should not be exceeded. Other countries…